Thursday, September 29, 2011

TERRA NOVA (has spoilers after first sentence and link)

So Just finished watching the pilot episodes of TERRA NOVA (click link for hulu)
I really enjoyed it! Now I feel like alot of people are going to say, jurassic park with future tech...
All I'm going to say is, no, and also a big SO??
At first, while watching, I was getting an unsettled feeling about the whole time paradox thing, then there was a scene were they explained it that they went back in time to an alternate past.
Fun story, strange plot line (hopefully that doesn't get it cancelled, I love that stuff).
But I have to say my favourite surprise was steven lang! he's playing almost the exact same character as he did in Avatar! Personally I liked his character in the first part of the movie avatar. And Terra Nova has him set up the same way, military protector, I think the set up will make him stay "good" because their are no native people's to be terrorized and thus sympathized for... unless you really have a heart for dinosaurs...
Either way nice surprise to see him...
Good show start!