Friday, June 17, 2016

So you want to do book art?

A friend posted to facebook.
This is something that many people do, but this particular post caught my interest.
It was asking if anyone would be interested in doing some artwork for a book he was writing.

I have always thought that it would be fun to do this! Illustration isn't one of those things I went to school for, but I've always loved doodling and drawing. So doing more in it is always interesting to me...
So, I said I was interested and he offered me the spot of drawing 3 maps for the book. I thought, how perfect! I love drawing maps, my dad and I used to draw maps for fun, I'm totally, completely prepared! Hah!
Did you know there is a difference between drawing maps from your head and drawing maps of the existing world? The difference is that it's hard…
Where would I begin?

The first map needed to be of the world (from France to Mt Ararat)
getting the profile of the world is difficult, so I started with a clean map…
Clean? Man, shores are hard!
I then remembered that the inside art was black and white… no blue?! What do I do? Well I have, black and white to work with, let's do black!
I unfortunately don't have much of the rest of this maps process pictures, but here we jump a few steps:
I think black turned out pretty good, you may also look at some of the continents that aren't near the routes and go, um Michael they don't totally look right. This was actually intentional, the time period of the book is during the byzantine Empire. Though this is a great Empire, I wanted to make a map that someone might due during that era. Maps of the past are really interesting, (look up a few), some are really well done, some lack some accuracy, most are really only focused on the main thing related to that particular map. I wanted some things 'wrong' to give the impression that the Cartographer's concern was the parts related to the route from France to Mr Ararat. Though it's a minor detail I enjoyed throwing it in! 
I cleaned up the colours and added names that were important, and boy do I like it! But boy did it take longer than I thought it would! 
Moving on…
Constantinople is the next map. When researching this place (which you can't find today, Why? well listen to 'They might be Giants' Istanbul song and hear for yourself), I found many maps. Many MANY  Maps! They were similar yet widely different! 
I chose to do another unique (in my opinion) approach to the angle:

I really enjoyed this view point and I really liked how it turned out, so many walls!!!
Moving on!
Map three was the nicest for creative purposes because it was a specific place, but with liberal interpretation of what it might have been like back then.
See in St. Albain France is a Castle currently called the 'Chateau' though there isn't much left of the old Castle (it's still worth looking up), I got to take what was there and add to it!

This was fun! Making the Castle was such a delight! If you draw and have never drawn a Castle, you should, it's quite a bit of fun…

Anyway after some talking the author asked me if I'd like to do the cover as well!
Oh man, I wasn't sure I could do it…
But I wanted to do it!
So he gave me a description, and I got to work on some rough ideas…
He mentioned that he liked the middle most sketch (which happened to be my favourite as well)!
So then I went about taking that, and making it bigger and such that I could use it in Photoshop… Did I mention we don't own Illustrator?
So I typically draw something, scan it, work in photoshop, then print off things and draw on it and scan it again… it's a lengthy process but works decently well…

This is an example of this process, if you look you can see where I erased things that weren't drawn well and needed changing (you can also see where the scanner messed up the side)…

After a draft, Thomas (the author) asked if there could be more rocks… so I printed off this, so I could draw rocks to add in…

To the right you can see where I drew the profile (which fit the last picture's frame)
Then I photoshoped rocks…
Nothing to impressive so far right? But process is fun to look back on and go, wow, that's where it all started!?

What's this you say? This is a picture of my wife holding a lamp. I needed a model for the person holding a torch (not the British version, you know flames and such)
I had the hardest time getting a torch to look right with fog. It doesn't do what you would think it would do… I thought it would light up everything really well… it doesn't. Really flames on sticks only light up a small area around themselves… so then I got this…
My wife is cute...
Doesn't look good yet, right? But it's coming along…

Finally here is an almost finished copy

She looks great right? Non-descript, person holding torch, check!
Big tall cave like structure, check!

Door with symbols, check, fog and ice, check, rocks, check!

You may be wondering as to the top of the image, yeah this was added to make room for the title of the book and the author's name. I'd forgotten originally to have a space for that! Silly me! That's kinda important!

ooooh ahhh...
I was actually surprised the day it all came together and looked like this… I was like, wow, did I do that?! So cool!

But wait there's more!
A back cover!

Notice all this white space around it?? Yeah I forgot that for the longest time, and I probably drove the Author crazy, everytime he asked me to put it in, and I kept not understanding it's importance… it's part of the printing process…

But there you go! The book is out now too! So if you'd like a copy for my art being in a book then order it! If you want to read it, I'll take a moment to mention that the author has two books!
(also if you click the link and for some reason it's only a link to buying the digital copy, then wait a bit, I'm told the ability to buy a physical copy will show up soon).

I Had a lot of Fun doing this! So many thanks to Thomas for hiring me to do it! I hope you all find it exciting enough to buy a copy (support up and coming authors)!!!
And if you have a project that needs art work for it, let me know! I'm sure between my super talented Wife and my aspiring to be like her talent, we can probably make you something pretty great!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

So you want to be a LEGO MASTER BUILDER?

I kinda wish I could start this post by letting you assume that I got the job and became a LEGO MASTER BUILDER, but I didn't…However I don't think that means you shouldn't keep reading…

If you dream to be a LEGO MASTER BUILDER or if you want to know all about the whole process and how it felt, then keep reading! I know before I went, I wanted to know all I could about the whole process...

So to be a Lego Master Builder you compete in a Lego Brick Factor Competition.
It typically starts with a build that they tell you about the theme in advance, then they narrow it down, and then once again and pick the winner from that last group.

So build one…
I'm nervous.
When I arrived there had already been a build, and the next section was starting…
Round one was broken up into about 5 different groups of about 15-20 people… we started with 79 people. I was in build 3. It was kinda nice to see what people had already built and watch people build, to get a feel for how it was going to go.

My goal? To make it to the 2nd round. I just wanted to make it past the first round…
They told us that the first build was your favourite Animal.
They also told us a big part of the selection process was how we interacted with the crowd… which I was a bit bummed that my wife and child couldn't come, but I was going to interact with the crowd I didn't know as best as I could…

My time finally came up, and did I mention I was nervous?
We got 30 mins and when I started my hands were shaking a bit…
You see I had planned and practiced to build an Orca. I had built it with a lot of small bricks from my collection… but what I came to realize was that there was no small Lego Bricks!
Furthermore each colour had only 2-3 types of bricks. So when I went to use the black, that I wanted for my Orca, I found that there was only 2x 8 and 1x6 thin… I actually almost didn't go with building the orca…

I went for it, and boy am I glad I did… everyone loved it…
10mins in I wasn't shaking and was having fun building my orca, talking with the crowd and the judges.
I finished the orca and knew it needed something more than just a whale sitting on a table for everyone to see, so I started building the water base…

Yeah so see the blue pieces that it's leaning on?
In the last 30seconds I attached them and made the orca balance on it. I had shaky hands again…

But I was so glad I went for it and got it to display properly… Display after all is almost more important than what you built…

Well After my round finished I ate lunch and then came back to watch the final section of round 1 build.
Also we had name tags on, so I regularly got asked, 'what did you build' To which I would say the 'orca' or 'killer whale', to which everyone replied, really? I was just saying how that was my favourite build!' or something to that affect… really I don't joke everyone mentioned that they loved my whale…
They had all of our builds displayed throughout the whole process for the growing crowds to see.

The final section finished the judges had deliberated and it was time to pick 30 of us to move on to the next round…

I was so nervous, this was the moment I found out if I achieved my goal…
They were going to have 2 sections of the 2nd build so they announced it in 2 sections.
After the first 15 people were announced, I was starting to tell myself things like, well maybe you're in the 2nd round, or maybe you didn't make it, and that's okay right? you had fun right?

14 more people announced and I was, as one of the judges mentioned to me later, (in a British accent), 'you were literally having a heart attack'…
And the last name is… Michael Jennys! I MADE IT! I'm in the next round!!! OH I made it!!! YAY!
The next rounds theme was then announced:
Your Favourite Vacation Spot.
-Well that's gonna be hard…
But I'm in the 2nd heat so I have 30+ mins to think about what I wanted to build…
Did I mention that at this point people were just standing taking pictures of my Orca? This one girl probably maxed our her phone's memory… I had a fan following!

Soon it was my time, this time I wasn't nervous, I had made my goal, I was golden!
I had also decided on building Yellowstone, which I have to say is hard to explain to people who haven't been there… but I did, and I did it a lot…

I planned on building Old faithful, and a generic thermal feature with a board walk.

Not as good as my orca, but I think it looked pretty good, and there were a few people that had been to yellowstone and totally recognized what I had built, which is always the dream… it's bad when you build something and they're like, 'uhh it's some legos?'
Which I should take a moment and say, officially there is no such thing as 'legos' it's Lego Bricks.
They informed us of this fact so that we wouldn't say anything silly on the radio interviews and such…
have you ever taken a selfi across a table with lego bricks?
Well the judges had deliberated and decided on the top 10 finalists that would come back the next day for an interview and a final build.

They called my name!? Whaaa?! ME! I'm in the final 10!? Wow! 

Wait? I actually have a chance now to be a LEGO MASTER BUILDER!!! Also a free t-shirt??
The topic? 
Something that sums me up…
Well what sums me up in Lego Bricks? Transformers and sci-fi? yeah… that.
So the day arrives, this time, people came to see me build!

Also let me take a second to mention, I had not thought I would get this far, so I didn't spend a lot of time on my resume… my guess? Resume is a big part of this final build… we 10 had already demonstrated that we could build, but what else qualified us? 
Well we had an hour to help our resume, and…
They gave us a kid helper… these kids were great, and my kid, Sophia was amazing! 
Welp we had an hour to build this time, I was going to build optimus prime holding an x-wing…

I had a crowd of people that knew me, and a big crowd of kids that loved star wars and transformers…

It was so much fun… I think I could have done better, but I enjoyed myself and build cool things…

I built it and honestly I think it looked like a transformer holding an x wing…

Then after that we switched roles and we helped our helper build something they wanted to build… Sophia wanted to build a grey and white dog… I was like, well would black or brown work? Cause there's no grey…
Brown was fine, and she built a great dog…

Then the judges told us who the winner was...
It wasn't me... I didn't win… The guy that won built a computer… it was a square… but I think he had a great resume…

But it was fun! And a super great experience…Well worth going and doing… and Hey, I made it to the top 10 of 79…