Sunday, May 20, 2018


So I have cosplayed for awhile now, but I had never made it to...

free comic book day this year 3rd place cosplay contest!

First the costume:
So backstory, recently Marvel comics started up the Exiles comic again. Originally Blink picked up a team and travelled the multiverse fixing various problems (pretty cool right?) that run ended and then recently the display a cover that had blink and mystery silhouettes; these were revealed slowly and as it turned out one of them was a Sarah Connor esc version of Ms Marvel!
I thought it was so cool looking that I had to do a cosplay as her!
She has a big gun (which why does everyone in the Marvel universe who goes to the future have a giant gun?) and I wanted to make it and everything else for the con!

So I built this gun that is more than half as big as I am, updated my Ms. Marvel armband and bought a jacket and pants to match (I know lame should have made it!!) and we went to the Motor City ComicCon in Novi!

The Con:
 I saw Bombshell Mera! She made her fabric!!?! so cool
The dragon won the cosplay contest! 

 The baby wanted to touch bell's hand!
 Wrong optimus, but super cool anyway, plus the work put into that! woot woot!
 It should be noted that cosplayers are the best and super excited to have their pictures taken!

 Old rex!

It was so much fun!
Tara Strong broke her foot so she signed stuff and sent it instead of herself! So sweet (but get better!) and we got a free signature!!?

We 'saw' Summer Glau (we didn't have time to see her see her but still super cool)!

The cosplay contest was exciting and fun, though I'm pretty sure I dashed on stage and off before I knew what I had done! Ha!

But I have to say one of my highlights was seeing a Ms. Marvel cosplay in person. Honestly (besides my own versions of her), this was my first time seeing anyone cosplay as her. I hadn't realized how much that meant to me until after I didn't get a picture with her :(  (um twice I might add)
The more I thought about it the more I realized that I got to see my favorite comic book hero in person and it was just amazing! 
Kamala Khan is such a great hero and I love almost everything about her, and seeing her in person was like being a kid again! 
So thanks to that cosplayer for being amazing!

All in all it was a great time, and I even got to be in an interview!
It was a super great experience that I am excited to repeat in the future!