Saturday, July 7, 2012

The amazing Spiderman. Spoilers...

The Amazing Spiderman was amazing... I'm just going to say it; it was many times better than the Spiderman movie with Toby Mcguire in it... why? Here's why...

So this Spiderman movie being a reboot, has bits of it's origin story (though as far as I can tell it's not the whole story yet; the movie has an ending where a shadowy character talks about something that wasn't told...) However whole or not, it's enough. Peter Parker gets powers after bitten by a spider, he has to decide whether or not to be responsible with them, he isn't, his uncle dies and then he is... okay same as the original movie...

Here's where the movie goes from similar in plot and ideas, to awesome...
Andrew Garfield, has the actual ability to act like a smart geek. Okay so everyone's seen the 'smart movie geek'-- nerdy wears glasses and bumbles around... COME ON people has anyone actually seen a geeky person (that is truly genius material) act like that? No, they act all geeky and dumb with real life... not the math, science or whatever they're gifted in... Andrew Garfield plays that. He turns a corner and sees a math equation, and is in his element... sees a girl and cannot talk... This was a much better portrayal of life a real person... not a bumbling idiot...

Next thing to talk about is spiderman as a character... People always ask me, "WHO'S YOUR FAVOURITE AVENGER?" and my response is "SPIDERMAN" why? Because spiderman's hysterical quips in the comic books while they're all fighting is amazing! Now I can honestly say I've not read spiderman much by himself, so maybe he's not silly while he fights then, but in the avengers that I've read spiderman is always joking with everyone while  they're fighting the baddie...
In this movie, spiderman did that... and it was the best!
A car thief pulls out a knife and spiderman kneels and says...
"You found my weakness...small knives..."
These are the silly things that made me love him in the comics and love this movie version...

I also must say, I loved that it was the comic spiderman before he gained the webbing himself... That is to say he had to make his own webbing...
Which led to one of my fav scenes from the movie where he made a spiderweb and sat on it waiting for something to bump into the webbing and let him know where to go, like a spider...
Also really liked the fact that he used his webbing a lot... I don't remember the older spiderman movie using the webbing for much more than web slinging through the air... but this movie he uses it to stick arms to walls, to totally wrap the lizard up... all sorts of things... that are more like the comics I've read...

So all in all...
Loved the special effects, the Lizardman was well done and believable... flying through the air with spiderman was wonderful....
I did like the music, but I couldn't hum you the theme... but James horner is always good...
Loved the acting...
Loved the plot points, like What is wrong with Norman Osborn? And who was that at the end of the movie? Where are they going to go from here?! Either way I know where they go will be epic...
Because this movie was epic...

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