Saturday, May 24, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Retcon...

So I just so x-men Days of Future Past, and I have mixed feelings. Here are my thoughts...

With a mix of what I thought was Good, and what I thought was bad.

Let us start with the Good...

Mutant Powers:
The new mutants portrayed in the movies were really cool.
Blink's powers were amazing! They did such a good job of showing them, without showcasing them. In case you didn't know she can open portals to other spots. In the comics she's from the Age of Apocalypse Universe check it out here. Sometimes in movies they make a big deal about, 'hey here's the new person, and oh Check out how Cool they are!!!' So it was really nice to see her being there (for the first time) and just using her powers.
Bishop might have been confusing for non-comic-viewers, but again I think they did a good job of, just having him there and using his powers...
Warpath was cool, but being that his powers aren't as 'visible' he may have been perceived as just a token ethnic character... actually all three of these 'new' mutants pulled a bit of the ethnic card... which is nice; since not all mutants in the comics are white, it's good that they are shown in the movies!


no Explanation, but great show of his powers (in a funny and amazing way). Loved it a lot.
Also the line he said, my mom used to see a guy that could move metal, was great! Yay comic book references to Magneto being your dad, without you knowing! Pretty Good job with special effects for his speeding around powers etc...
Though for the big deal everyone made about him being in the movie, he wasn't in it very long... I guess that's the trouble with being a speedster... ;)

Story Line:
okay, not really the same as the comic arc... but I think the gist of it was there... Sentinels get created, they eventually go bad, and they cause the Future of badness...  we gotta send someone back in time to change this future!!
Who cares if they don't seem to like kitty Pryde and didn't want her to be the main character...
Wolverine man, wolverine...
But as a movie, it was good, the story made sense and flowed pretty good... but I think I need to switch to my perceived 'bad parts' of the movie...

Bad Story line:
A lot of this movie, felt like a push to retcon the other movies.
Where the movies didn't make sense, or where fans complained about something they didn't like (cough x-men 3 cough).
There are very specific scenes that do (old footage) flashbacks (forwards?) to X-men 2,3 and even wolverine origins. (though they did seem to forget that if wolverine origins was cannon to the original story line, logan would have been in vietnam with sabretooth, not in some  bedroom in the united states, oh well)...
To say, hey these happened for real, and we want you to be aware of this. ARE YOU AWARE???
I felt like they were yelling it at times... "HEY DIDN'T YOU KNOW X-MEN 3 WAS REAL." And later "SEE!!! WE RETCONED X-MEN 3 AWAY!!!! AREN'T YOU HAPPY??"
I feel that if there had been less time spent using the established storyline of 'days of future past' to retcon something that you could have just ignored I personally may have felt better about the movie's plotline...

back to good...
Good Story line:
Jennifer Lawrence did a great acting job, I'm still scratching my head about why she's not wearing clothes, the comic book version wore clothes and was 'sexy' but more importantly was cool and BA...
Maybe it's to add more vulnerability? Probably not...
Anyway great acting, very nice with the power portrayal, very good.
If anything, go see this movie so you can see her.

The back and forth between young Magneto and Prof.-X was amazing!
Also the way they kept Magneto as the coolest Mutant that he is, was amazing! (personal bias included). The betrayal, the raw emotion, the awesomeness of his acting was great too!

Really the way the movie let characters act and move through the story (without being forced) was Great!

Did anyone really need a whole movie to retcon the other ones?
Was it just so they could say "we've had a movie universe this whole time! See See See!"???

Okay really this is most of the bad feelings I feel towards this movie, why? Because I left the theatre feeling like wow this was an amazing movie, but why do I feel like I didn't like it? Because it worked so hard to tell you it was retconning things!

Oh well, at least halle berry wasn't given a bigger part... she's still a terrible storm.

General musings:
Toad didn't look like that in x-men 1, even though, if this is the same storyline, he should have... but it looks more like the comics, so that's good...

How many guys have been pyro?

Good acting, weird costumes still... but okay weird, but still leather straps and stuff... Where do you get such nice armour and leather in the Sentinel controlled future?!

This was definitely a movie about Wolverine, Magneto and Professor Xavier...

The end credits scene for age of apocalypse was weird... is it hard to make someone look like the person they look like in the comics? Probably for Fox it is...

Sigh, wish the movie rights would go back to Marvel/Disney, but if that wont happen (it wont) then this movie was probably in line with the 'best we are going to get' category...

Still go see it...

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