Monday, June 11, 2012


Went and saw Prometheus. What is prometheus you might ask? Well this is the Ridley Scott prequel to his Alien movie. One might say it's more than that, but I couldn't help feeling that it was all building to Alien. This however isn't what I particularly want to talk about, what I want to talk about is this...
This came across the credits at the very end of the movie... now since I'm getting married on 10.11.12, I was interested...  What is this? Well there have been a couple of video clips with a younger weyland talking...
Not really sure, but many people think that 10.11.12 is when the dvd will come out... which would be pretty cool... Have any ideas? What do you think the date means for weyland corp? Is this when they become weyland industries or when it merges with yutani? Or in real life, maybe when a company goes live calling itself weyland corp in honour of the movies? Let me know what you think!

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